HOPE Task Force Strategic PR Plan
The HOPE Task Force is finding innovative ways to battle the opiate epidemic. This strategic PR plan was created to introduce the task force and aid in its goal to educate the public and prevent drug misuse. Click link above to read.

Article: Arming Deputies with Different Kinds Of Weapons
Franklin County became the first Sheriff's Office in Ohio to provide Crisis Intervention Team training to its Corrections deputies to interact and protect mentally ill inmates more effectively. This article was published by the National Institute for Jail Operations in September 2016 and the American Jail Association in March 2017. Click the link above to download a PDF or find it here: http://bit.ly/2lHF2tl.

The County Star
Monthly, the Sheriff's Office sent out an e-newsletter with the latest news on projects and programs. I enjoyed telling the stories from around the office of the extraordinary work of the deputies and staff. During my tenure, the subscription rate increased by 42 percent. Click on the link above to read.